First let me say, Happy 2023. I hope this year brings you health, love, and prosperity.
It's been some time since my last post mainly because I was unmotivated and had no inspiration for wise words. It happens sometimes and it's ok. Today, I saw something that sparked an idea. Try this one on...
Every January 1, we make resolutions to do better, be better, travel more, lose weight...whatever it is. And, undoubtedly, by March 1, most of us have forgone those resolutions made with the best intentions. Have you ever wondered why that happens? I was thinking about this over the past few days and came to a conclusion.
We set a year-long goal on January 1. That's 365 days (or 366 if it's a leap year), 52 weeks, and 8760 hours (or 8784 if it's a leap year). I don't know about you but those numbers are pretty intimidating. What if we just set a goal for one day? Just one. Heck, I'd even take hour by hour as long as I am making progress.
About a year ago, I decided to make a change. I took a risk and attended a group fitness class. I thought I was out of my mind because I thought I was "allergic" to exercise. And, quite frankly severely out of shape. I set my goal to be to attend one class. Then I would decide. Well, that one class turned into consistent attendance 3x/week (give or take) for almost an entire year! I didn't say I'm joining for an entire year. I said ONE class. And I did it. Since I've made the commitment to myself, I have found myself becoming physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually stronger.
So, my dear reader, I challenge you not to set yourself up for failure but to set yourself up for success. Whatever that looks like to you. You can do it, one day at a time. Share your successes with me, I want to celebrate with you!
Until next time,
Dr. Jill
