This post originally appeared on my blog 1/16
Blizzard 2016 is in ‘full effect.’ We started preparing early in the week so we could avoid the ‘get the bread, milk and eggs’ frenzy at the grocery store. We talked about what we needed to get out of the shed and how we would park the vehicles in the driveway. We checked in with the neighbors about the snow blower. We checked on elderly family members. I reminisced with my brother about my mom making gallons upon gallons of soup every time it snowed. We’re ready.
Early this morning, while it was still dark, I stood on the porch and opened the front door. I wanted to ‘hear’ the silence of the snow. It’s one of my favorite sounds. I know that sounds crazy. How can you hear silence?
We live in a world full of noise. Radio/TV. People talking and laughing. Car horns. Beeps/bells/whistles. Ringing phones. The list is endless. Just yesterday while at work, the noise was so overwhelming that I had to take a walk away from my work area to clear my head. I just needed a break. It made me think — how many of us are so engrossed in the ‘noise’ that we don’t ever experience the ‘silence?’
Are we so caught up in the noise of the world that we take for granted what is right in front of us? Are we so caught up in the noise of the world that we don’t realize life is short? Are we so caught up in the noise of the world that we fail to recognize the good that is happening? Are we so caught up in the noise of the world that we forget that life does not revolve around us? Are we so caught up in the noise of the world that we are focusing on the unknown future instead of enjoying the here and now?
My guess is that we are all of those things. I am ready for the silence. Are you? I challenge you to make a conscious effort to ‘hear’ the silence. Allow yourself some downtime from the noise of the day. Learn to be comfortable in the silence. It will surely be awkward at first but stick with it. Let the silence fill your heart. Let the silence teach you. Trust me. You won’t regret it.
Until next time,
Dr. Jill
